The Tonfa


The Tonfa Traditional Martial Arts Weapon Martial arts have been an integral part of human civilization for centuries, and various cultures have contributed to the development of different forms of martial arts. Traditional martial arts are still practiced and taught today, and their techniques and weaponry have been passed down from generation to generation. One […]

The Sai


The Sai: History Behind the Weapon In this article, we delve into the history and significance of the Sai, a weapon that has captured the imaginations of martial artists and weapon enthusiasts around the world. Origins of the Sai The Sai, initially a farm implement utilized for digging and weeding, evolved into a martial arts […]

The Quarterstaff


The Quarterstaff – British Wooden Staff The quarterstaff, also known as the British wooden staff, is a long, wooden staff that was used as a weapon and a tool in medieval times. It is a versatile and practical weapon that can be used for both offense and defense. In this article, we will explore the […]

Qiang – The Chinese Spear

Qiang The Chinese Spear

Qiang – The Chinese Spear: An Introduction to its History, Design and Usage The Qiang, or Chinese spear, is a formidable weapon that has played an integral role in Chinese history and martial arts. Its design and usage have evolved over time, and it continues to be a popular weapon for martial artists, collectors, and […]

Police Baton

Police Baton

Police Baton – Non Lethal Weapon Martial arts are one of the most popular forms of physical activity that people indulge in. They not only help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also teach important self-defense techniques. Among the many martial arts weapons used, the police baton stands out for its versatile and effective use […]

The Pho Bak Rope Weapon

Pho Bak

The Pho Bak Traditional Hapkido Weapon: A Comprehensive Guide As practitioners of traditional Hapkido, we understand the value of traditional weapons in our practice. One such weapon is the Pho Bak, also known as the Rope. In this guide, we will explore the history, design, and techniques associated with this unique Hapkido weapon. The Pho […]